Exclusive: Potential Jacob’s Volkswagen Rabbit at New Moon Set
獨家:可能是雅各的Volkswagen Rabbit在新月
You know that set of red buildings out in the countryside we saw a video of earlier that could potentially be the New Moon set for Jacob’s house and garage? Guess what else was outside the house?
At the same location there is an old Volkswagen Rabbit in front of the buildings that could certainly be the 1986 VW Rabbit that Jacob owns.
在建築物前面相同的位置是老舊的Volkswagen Rabbit(指車子),那雅各特有的無疑是1986年出產的VW Rabbit。

獨家:可能是雅各的Volkswagen Rabbit在新月
You know that set of red buildings out in the countryside we saw a video of earlier that could potentially be the New Moon set for Jacob’s house and garage? Guess what else was outside the house?
At the same location there is an old Volkswagen Rabbit in front of the buildings that could certainly be the 1986 VW Rabbit that Jacob owns.
在建築物前面相同的位置是老舊的Volkswagen Rabbit(指車子),那雅各特有的無疑是1986年出產的VW Rabbit。

※消息來源 http://www.newmoonmovie.org/2009/03/spotted-potential-jacobs-volkswagen-rabbit-at-new-moon-set/