NewMoonMovie.org reader Julie met Peter Facinelli at the UK Twilight Convention recently, and she had this interesting tidbit to share–
新月電影網站讀者朱莉遇見Peter Facinelli(飾演卡萊爾)最近在英國集合,而且她有個有趣的花絮要分享:
He talked to us about the script for New Moon and said he was happy with it. He mentioned his concerns at a man directing a story told from a woman’s (Bella’s) viewpoint, but how he was then totally reassured after meeting Chris Weitz the director. My favourite bit of insiders gossip that he gave us was one of the stage directions. In the New Moon script it says ‘the sunlight catches Edward’s skin and we see him sparkle’ ,it then says in brackets underneath (BUT BETTER THAN IN TWILIGHT) I guess they really are trying to improve the special effects!
他和我們說了關於新月的劇本,而且說他對這個感到開心。他提到他關心的是一個人對於這個故事是從貝拉的觀點敘述,但他如何在當時遇見導演Chris Weitz之後徹底的消除疑慮。