It’s no secret that Stephenie had a loose inspiration for each of her books from classic literature.
Twilight: Pride and Prejudice 暮光之城:傲慢與偏見
New Moon: Romeo and Juliet 新月:羅密歐與茱麗葉
Eclipse: Wuthering Heights 蝕:咆嘯山莊
Breaking Dawn: The Merchant of Venice and A Midsummers Night Dream
Well now it seems that sales for Wuthering Heights are up to record highs in France, and booksellers are attributing the success to Stephenie Meyer.
“We have sold as many copies of Wuthering Heights in the first two months of 2009 as we usually sell in a whole year,” said a spokeswoman for Le Livre de Poche, the publisher of the French translation…We are on course to sell several tens of thousands of copies this year, which is exceptional. The enthusiasm has prompted a lot of bookshops to put Brontë on display next to Stephenie Meyer, and that has obviously encouraged people to buy both of them.”
「我們前所未有的在2009年的前兩個月已經賣了很多的咆嘯山莊」女發言人Le Livre de Poche說。這個法國譯本的出版商:「我們今年異常的在這個方針上賣了成千成百的翻譯本。」這份熱潮已經引起了很多的書店放上Brontë陳列在史帝芬妮梅爾之後,並且這顯然已讓那些人受到鼓舞而買這兩本書。
Have any of you picked up a classic novel because of Stephenie Meyer?